Friday 17 July 2009

'Hoard No More' participatory project 2008-2010
Would you like one of your hoarded objects to become art instead of collecting dust?

Are you one of the people who feel bad every time they throw something out? Do you think these objects represent something and throwing them away is disrespectful to the person or the event that they remind you of? However your house is cluttered with all sorts of objects that have no financial or aesthetic value?

In this new participatory project I am asking people to donate an object to an art installation.

The object donated will be modified, deconstructed and reconstructed in different manners. It will however be recognisable and it will become part of a large art installation based on the collection of these random objects donated by many people.

The original donator will be informed at all times on the development of the project and the journey these objects will take, if they wish to do so. The possibility of the modified object to come back to the original donator, in a new form, which could be displayed as an art object is likely on a long term, if the donator wanted to explore that idea.

People or events that you remember through these objects will be given high consideration by being displayed in this collection/art installation.

This is a small opportunity to learn to unclutter and to disconnect from the physical or emotional connection we all have with the objects surrounding us.

If you are interested in contributing to this project please fill in the form below.

Thank you very much for your time. I am looking forward to receiving your objects and your stories.

Gabriela Boiangiu

If you are intereted in participating with an object to this project please send the following details to the artist:




Please write in this space, a real or fictional story about your connection with the object donated.

*Leave your e-mail address only if you want to be contacted in the future with details on the development of this project.

Your name and story might be displayed as part of the installation.

Please send all this information to the artist and contact her to make arrangements for collection of your donated object: Gabriela Boiangiu:

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